Thursday, June 19, 2014

Save Our Village has a new website!

Save Our Village has a new website!  


We are a grassroots organization. We welcome redevelopment in Lake Oswego that preserves our quality of life and the character of our picturesque downtown in scale and design. We do not welcome the over-development of the Wizer block into a high-density five-story apartment complex.
  • Fact: At Save Our Village we support redevelopment. We are not “worriers” who fear change and oppose growth. We welcome growth that complements Lake Oswego — not over-development that will change the character of Lake Oswego forever. We are opposed to the mass, height, scale and design of the modernistic and unauthentic designs of the Wizer proposal, which do not complement our redeveloping downtown. The proposed buildings are four- and five stories (not to code). The Wizer proposal would bring 228 stark, repetitious apartments to the heart of downtown. Despite previous assurances, a Dec. 3 memorandum from the developer states that no condominiums are planned: “At this point, the residences will be 100 percent for rent” with ability to change in the future.

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