Monday, June 16, 2014

Psst.. wanna know where to get plans for free?

When I asked my friends if they were able to get their $25 back for a flash drive with the revised MegaWizer plans now that they were on the city website for free, they looked surprised.  Free?  Where?  They had just checked the same day and there were no plans posted!  Was I crazy or were they?  Neither it appears - it's the City that doesn't seem to know what their left or right hands are doing.

If one wanted to see all the exhibits and documents relating to the Wizer Block Development, he or she would logically go to the Planning site or do a simple search for Case No. LU 13-0046, right?

On the Planning Department Project website (below), one can find all the Exhibits relating to the project - except a few of the most important!  The problem can be seen in the first paragraph of the page, the "Wizer Block Update 06/04/14":  there is a discrete note sending readers to another site for new applicant documents.  Considering the plethora of project documents on the LU 13-0046 website, it is reasonable for a person to expect to find ALL of the project documents on the same page!  So why should citizens have to go anywhere else - to hunt around in multiple locations for information on one project?  They shouldn't.

Like the TSP before it, and probably others past and present, the issue of citizens having to go on hunts to find what they need has not been dealt with.  There needs to be a policy to correct this OBVIOUS, and easily solved problem.  

Planning Department Project website:

LU 13-0046: A request for a Development Review Permit to construct a mixed-use project.

Project Description

On June 2, 2014, the applicant submitted revised application materials to the   City. Copies are available upon request, and are posted on the Redevelopment Agency project page, click here to be redirected to that page.

The revised application is preliminary and is currently being reviewed by the Planning Department to determine if the information fulfills the necessary requirements for a complete application. Changes to these preliminary documents are expected. Once the application is finalized, the public hearing before the Development Review Commission will be scheduled and the date will be posted on the City website.

 Redevelopment (LORA) website:


Project Background/Summary

The redevelopment of Block 137, often referred to as the Wizer block, has been a high priority project for the LORA Board for a number of years. The project is included in the East End Redevelopment Plan as Project J, and as such, it is eligible for financial assistance using urban renewal funds. In early 2013,  property owner Gene Wizer and his developer, W&K Development now known as Evergreen Group LLC, approached LORA for financial support for a new mixed-use development on the site. At the Board’s May meeting, Evergreen Group Principal Pat Kessi, presented a concept plan for redeveloping Block 137 that included new residential and retail development consistent with Project J in the East End Plan. Based on the proposal, the Board directed staff to negotiate a draft development agreement for the Board’s consideration.

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