Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Important dates to remember

C L I P  and  S A V  E

Important Dates to Remember
17  -  City Council Study Session on the Transportation System Plan
               *  Review TSP and send comments to City Council

23  -  Planning Commission Work Session:  Code Streamlining Phase 2 – Variances & 
          Nonconformance (LU 14-0018)   Public Comments Accepted.
                 * Review proposed code changes  and send comments to Planning Commission

23  -  Planning Commission Work Session: Clear and Objective Housing Standards 
         (LU 14-0018) – Public Comments Accepted
                  * Review proposed code changes  and send comments to Planning Commission

1    -  City Council: Approve consultant for the SWEA Plan project (Seldon)

1    -  City Council Study Session on Annual Development (Chapter 50) Code Maintenance

          Amendments  (LU 14-0014/Ord. 2643) (Hamilton)
               * Review proposed code changes for downtown parking and max.
                 stories for downtown and send comments to City Council

1    -  City Council Study Session: Non-CDC Code Amendments – tentative (Boone)
                * Review code changes and send comments to Council  

1   -   City Council Public Hearing:  Transportation Systems Plan-Periodic Review
         (Ord. 2645/LU 14-0015) 
                *  Review TSP and send testimony to Council prior to hearing and testify at 

TBD -  Development Review Commission Public Hearing for Wizer Block (Block 137)
           Development permit.  
                * Check LORA and Planning websites for updates on hearing date and design 
                   changes and send testimony to DRC in advance of hearing.  Prepare to testify 
                   at the hearing. 

29   -  City Council: Stakeholder Advisory Committee appointments for the SW Employment 
          Area Plan project (Selden)

City Council Recess

TBD - August or September - Wizer Block Appeal before City Council
          Persons who submitted testimony at the DRC Hearing may testify.

16   -  City Council Study Session:  LU 14-0019/Ordinance 2641, Clear and Objective 
          Housing Standards – Periodic Review (Selden) 

7    -  City Council Study Session: Sensitive Lands Revisions Implementation Package 
                   *  Comment to City Council on SL Program revisions

 21  -  City Council Public Hearing: Sensitive Lands Revisions Implementation Package   
                    * Testify in writing and/or in person regarding SL program. 

Watch for changes and additions to City Meetings and events on the City website. 

It is very important to send comments in to the decision-making bodies prior to their meetings, including earrings and study sessions, so the Commissions and Council can take your thoughts into consideration when they discuss issues you care about.  The more you can learn about the issue beforehand, the better, but letting people know how you feel about what you want for your town is crucial. This is the time to have your say about changing codes and shaping the future of Lake Oswego!  Tell your friends and neighbors too!  

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