Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Tusk

 If you were at Farmers' Market on Saturday, you may have been lucky enough to meet two impressive young men.  They are the founders of a company devoted to saving elephants and owner wild animals in Africa that are being slaughtered for body parts.  The boys are articulate and engaging and have some very cool postcard art to sell as well as a website one can go to for purchase of other goods.  Below is an example of their items - visit their website, for more information about their work.   

They could be extinct in 10 years!
It is really hard for me to image that African elephants could be gone from the wild before I even graduate High School.  But the demand for ivory is growing every year so the number of elephants killed each year just goes up.  And if it keeps up at this pace, then there simply wont be any left.  Argh!

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