Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dear Mr. Len Bergstein

June 29, 2014

Dear Mr. Bergstein,

I hope you remember me.  We met a week ago at the Farmers' Market when you were working at the tent set up for the Block 137 development in the Wizer parking lot.  You said you liked my blog.  Maybe you were just being nice, but I took it as a compliment nonetheless.  I talked with you and Patrick Kessi and shook Elaine Franklin's hand.

Mr. Bergstein, do you remember we had a discussion about the flyers you were handing out?  We debated the square footage of the revised Block 137 design, compared to the square footage of Lake View Village, and we hit a stumbling block.  I said that your figure of 236,852 sq. ft. for Lake View Village was mathematically impossible.  You said the number was an official figure from Lake View Village's land use application.   This was exciting news to me, because with your facts I could put this matter to rest.  

You said that you would send me the documents and I gave you my card.  I assumed you were going to send a digital copy, so I have been looking for it.  If you were going to send something by snail mail and don't have my address, drop me a line at and I will get it to you.  

Actually, I wonder if you know that Lake View Village changed its size and mass tremendously from its first iteration.  After major complaints from the neighbors, Barry Cain worked with them to come up with the much smaller design you SE today that everyone loves.  Maybe you were looking at the first land use app. that was about as big as Block 137.   That would explain the confusion, but maybe you can check this out so we can compare our numbers again.

I tried doing my own research online to find the Lake View Village land use app, but that would have been in about 2001, and it may be too old for the city website because I could not find it.  Perhaps you can tell me where you got yours?  Maybe Brant Williams could help me.  

Well, I should go and get some gardening done while the sun is out.  Hope you are enjoying this lovely day!  And if you get some time on Monday, maybe you can send me that land use app?  I would really appreciate it.           


Up Sucker Creek

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