Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Back on the block

Evergreen Group turned in its revised application to the Planning Dept. for the Wizer Block (Block 137) on Monday (6/2/2014).  As reported by Redevelopment Agency Director, Brant Williams, the DRC should be holding a Public Hearing on the design relating to city codes and the East End Redevelopment Plan sometime in July - most likely the DRC's first meeting that month.  This will be a continuation of the hearing held in January of this year, and since new evidence is being introduced, anyone can testify at the hearing.

The city should post new documents to the project page on their website - hopefully earlier rather than later.  But be aware that the developers may change items prior to the hearing, so check back frequently to see if there is anything new.

On the city website, the Wizer development can be found under Planning Projects.  Further searches can be done using the Land Use case number LU 13-0046.


Did the developers take to heart the DRC concerns about the size, bulk and lack setbacks to pass muster?  
Did they design something more in keeping with community values and is compatible with neighboring structures and homes?  Do they respect the citizens of Lake Oswego?  Did they follow the EERD Playbook for Project J?

Now that the plans are in, the intent of the developers will be known.

From the East End Redevelopment Plan (pg. 25)
Project J Block 137 Mixed-Use Development 
The parcel between A Avenue and Evergreen, and 1st and 2nd Streets (Block 137), should be redeveloped to enhance the "compact shopping district" extending one block in all directions from the intersection of 1st Street and A Avenue. The preferred project shall be mixed-use with retail fronting on 1st Street. Along with the retail frontage on 1st Street the site could be developed with a public library overlooking Millennium Plaza Park, a 30 to 70-unit hotel or housing. The mix of uses will need to provide sufficient on-site parking to satisfy the demand for all proposed uses. New or remodeled structures shall be designed to compliment structures located on Block 138, Millennium Plaza Park (south) and the townhouses on Block 136 (west). 

Complement :  add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it.  
Which means, The Wizer Block development shall enhance or improve Lake Village, the townhouses on Block 136 and Millennium Park.  

Original design (above) dominates neighboring blocks,

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