Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tonight. This one's a doozy

The City Council Meeting for tonight  (May13, 2014) is a study session only.  The original topic was supposed to be the Sensitive Lands codes, part of the Healthy Ecosystems portion of the Comprehensive Plan.  But lo and behold, the new, draft TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) Implementation Plan is the topic as it has language, regulations pertaining to the Sensitive a Lands codes.

What's this?  Isn't there a Tech Committee made up of staff and a council member working on changes to the onerous Sensitive Lands codes?   This little-known, wonky technical plan on stormwater pollutants is a snoozer.  This Plan however, comes into play as it relates to private property rights, something government in general and Central Planners are not fond of.

Read the agenda packet (click on the topic inside the Interactive Agenda to find subject materials.  This one is a doozy!  Staff either thinks the Council is not smart enough to get the purpose and basic chemistry of the DEQ Clean Waters permit, or they are wasting their time tonight so they can avoid a more serious discussion of the intent behind the suggested regulatory changes.  You be the judge.  Come to the Council meeting tonight, or watch it live on TCVTV or streaming online.

Personal Statement of the Environment, 
Property Rights, and Liberty 

By:  Someone who was: First Earth Day Celebration celebrant; Original OSPRIG member; Past member of the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, and Audubon Society; Current Master Gardener of Clackamas County

NOBODY wants to pollute and otherwise defile any streams, wetlands or upland habitats. Property owners in Lake Oswego have been superb stewards of natural resources, and left in control of private owners, these resources are more likely to be maintained in prime condition without increased regulations than with.   Take away a man's rights to his property and you take away his pride of ownership.  Who wants to working for the state and be reminded every day of government's force of police action behind every rule.  (I refuse to be PC when using gender nouns and pronouns.  If the reader cannot infer that the word "man" in a given context means "mankind," he may choose to be outraged and have his feelings hurt.)

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