Thursday, May 29, 2014

Redacted - Part 2

The letter writer in the previous post, "Redacted", is from Sydney, Australia.
The city it is being compared to is Paris, France.

It always gives me pause to see how far and wide the Smart Growth (or New Urbanism) movement has grown, and wonder where it all started.  As the New World keeps trying to emulate European models, the ideas intermingle, yet they all come back to the same theme of stack-and-pack density.  The story of a never-ending population growth will wait for another day.

These are a few of the countries that embrace the concepts of compact cities, typically with predictions of climate disruption disaster or a demographic abyss if we don't make major changes in our way of life and live like the all-knowing bureaucrats tell us to.

Australia | Brazil | Canada | China | Denmark | France | Great Britain | Holland | Saudi Arabia | South Africa | Sweden  | United States... and more.

A cookie-cutter land use plan for a future of cookie-cutter countries in a cookie-cutter world.  How's that for Placemaking?




I only remember where 2 of the cities above are from anymore, but the point is that 
except for the weather, it really doesn't matter.  

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