Saturday, May 24, 2014

If you don't already know what you're looking for...'ll never be able to find it on the new Metro website.  

If anything was ever meant to frustrate, obfuscate and hinder the flow of information from the possibly biggest government influence on our daily lives, this website is it.  It appears they threw out  usability in favor of a slick, modern aesthetic - as if they were a business looking to "rebrand" themselves.  (USC really hates the term "branding" - it means style over substance and appears to be what is going on here.)

Whatever the motive or design objective, the Metro website is virtually useless. If you know what was there before and can remember what to search for, you might be OK for awhile.  If you are new to the site, you may have to settle for whatever Metro's PR department decides to feature that day.  Any hint of what lies behind the internet curtain is gone.  Check it out here:

Metro is asking for public comment on a couple of topics that relate to Lake Oswego.  Find links to the topics on the a Metro main page.
  • Southwest Corridor Plan
  • Long-range transportation plan for the Metro area
If you haven't seen or used Metro Map, I recommend it.  The URL is:

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