Thursday, May 22, 2014

Anyone home at City Hall?

Sources Say:

Infill foes wonder: Anyone home at City Hall?
Portland Tribune,  May 22, 2014.   By Jim Redden

One issue expected to surface in the election is the City Council’s response to the increasing number of homes in town being demolished and replaced by one or more larger houses or apartment buildings. Neighborhood activists who met to discuss the issue on May 6 were disappointed by the lack of response from the council on the issue, so far. They think Bureau of Development Services policies need to be rewritten to encourage preservation and discourage such in-fill projects.
According to a follow-up memo written by Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Association Chairman Al Ellis, “Those in the room who have interacted with the mayor, City Council commissioners and the Bureau of Development Services see a disconnect between the alarm expressed by their residents and a seeming reluctance at City Hall to get involved.”

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