Tuesday, April 8, 2014

TSP: Regional Bicycle Network

This is the bicycle portion of the Regional Active Transportation Plan.  Compare this map to the Lake Oswego TSP Bike/Ped Maps (set of 4).  As with the other maps, look for regional vs local projects, and paths that cross private property..  All transportation plans in the state are part of the LAND USE planning for a jurisdiction.  The roads, bike and pedestrian paths, and transit planning has all been done with future population and development growth in mind.  What I'd like to see (and hear), is someone from the planning department explaining how everything fits together so we are not just looking at its and pieces at any one time.  

For better clarity and detail, visit the Metro webpage for the Regional Active Transportation Plan and click on Regional Bicycle Network Mapbook.

Regional Bicycle Network Map (Feb. 2014):  Lime green = Regional  |  Dark green = City
                                                                                   Dash line = Off-road  |  Solid line = On road

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