Tuesday, April 8, 2014

TSP: LO Pedtrian and Bicycle Paths

Unfortunately, the maps do not have street names, so you have to get another map to tell where the paths go.  City maps, and detail for each project is on the Project Pages of the TSP are in the Draft document.  (Download HERE - link is at bottom of the page.).

Another not-so-minor piece of information that is missing is which paths are part of a larger regional network.  Small stretches of sidewalks, where no one on the street wants them, can now be seen as a missing link (gap) in a regional trail system.  In such a case, the infrastructure cost would be paid for by Lake Oswego taxpayers, and maintenance and liability could possibly go to the abutting property owners, all because people can't walk (or bike) on a street that has had no sidewalks for a hundred years and is not in any crash zone now.

There are other surprises for the casual observer - the number of paths that cut through yards to connect cul de sacs with streets on the other side., and other short-cuts.  The words used in the Plan are "connectivity" and "filling in gaps."

Compare the City paths to the Regional Pedestrian Network and Regional Bicycle Network maps.

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