Thursday, April 3, 2014

TCWTP CAC Meeting and Open House

Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (CAC) Meeting

Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting
Date/Time: Wed, Apr 9, 2014 4:00pm - 6:00pm
The next meeting of the CAC updating the facilities plan for the City of Portland’s Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lake Oswego will be held on Wednesday, April 9 on the 10th floor of the Portland Building, 1100 SW 5th Ave in Portland. 
The CAC will be finalizing their recommendations and preparing for the Open House.  This meeting is open to the public.

CAC Members (as of Fall 2013):  Tom Badrick, Bruce Brown, Mary Beth Coffey, Al Iverson, Ruth Spetter, Dan Vizzini, Kara Warner, Dave Gooley, Rich Martin, Dave Gooley

Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant - Open House

Date/Time: Thu, Apr 24, 2014 5:00pm - 7:00pm

The Citizen Advisory Committee is updating the facilities plan for the City of Portland’s Tryon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in Lake Oswego invites you to an open house to share its proposed plan and hear community feedback.
The Open House will be held on Thursday, April 24 from 5-7 p.m. in the Riverside Room at Oswego Pointe Condominiums, 5065 Foothills Drive in Lake Oswego.
Please contact Becky Tillson, BES Public Involvement, at 503-823-2827 for more information.HERE'S the Summary Page for the TCWTP Open House held April 24, 2013, the only public held so far.  There were 26 citizens in attendance and some filled out surveys.  The responses are interesting.

“I asked the pros and cons of these plans -- did not get an answer i understood.”
 “Ongoing construction audits to insure minimal impacts on rates akin to Acuity proposed audit for Lo tigard Water Project.”
“What is the context of tcWP?:
a. Willamette river Basin and; population b) Lake oswego uGmA c) sW Portland

d) tryon creek state Park e) interceptor capacity sE of Boones Ferry rd.”
 “Do not reflect correct inflated costs for Lt projects us. st benefit of plant const. at current $.”

Bring your questions.  
  • What parts of the plan are attributable to Foothills Development?  Who will be paying for these enhancements?  
  • If it is LO citizens, then will the money be recouped from development in the area?  
  • Are natural resources being protected with plans for cut and fill?  
  • In previous CAC meeting notes BES engineers said that energy recovery is cost prohibitive.  Will LO undertake this scheme anyway?  For whose benefit at whose cost?  And WHY?  "Sustainability" cannot be driving this. Portland is the most sustainable city there is, and if they don't want to do it, why should we?
  • Actual costs in current and inflated dollars, and anticipated funding sources.
  • Effect on utility rates.  
  • Why expand the plant ?  If for future population growth, how many people are expected, when, and where will growth occur?   
  • What is the household (or person) capacity of the current plant, and what is the capacity of the new plant?  

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