Thursday, April 10, 2014


No, I didn't get it wrong.  The Citizens' Budget Committee has extended the deadline for citizen comment on what they think about the draft Capital Improvement Project list.  Here's your chance to get your two bits in.  To participate, go to the City's Home page on the web and look for
Open City Hall 
under the News and Announcements banner.  Anything else you want to tell them about the city's budget?  The deadline for submitting comments is:
5 pm, April 18

The next Budget Committee Meeting will be on April 22 and will be televised live on Tualatin Valley Cable Television (TVCTV), and all Budget Committee meetings are available to view on your computer just like City Council meetings.  The first CBC meeting on March 20 is posted on the TVCTV website.

Check out the CBC website in a few days to see it a draft of the budget is there for you to see.  In previous years, a complete, draft detailed budgetby department, was available to citizens prior to all Budget Committee meetings, so we expect one will be forthcoming for citizens to see and comment on.  If you don't see the information you want or need, contact one of the CBC members (Chair this year is Dave Berg).

The Citizens' Budget Committee also reviews and approves the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency's (LORA) budget.  See copies of previous budgets on the same Budgets website.

Note: From the link to the TVCTV website posted above, you can choose to view previous meetings online, or choose to see a meeting live if a City Council or Budget Committee meeting is in progress.

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