Friday, April 18, 2014

Budget Committee needs you

The Citizen Budget Committee meets again on Tuesday to further their quest for the perfect budget for 2014-2015.   Information for the Budget Committee planning process can be found HERE.

Proposed Budget for the 2014-15 Fiscal Year

Proposed Budget for the 2014-15 Fiscal Year

The 2014-15 Proposed Budget is available online at the links below. The Budget in Brief includes the City Manager's Budget Message, citywide summary level information and graphs, department and major programs budgets, as well as the capital budget summary. For more budget detail, follow the Department and Program Budgets link.
The Lake Oswego Budget Committee will be reviewing the Proposed Budget and receiving public input on April 22 and May 1. Any additional materials for those meetings, including the agendas, will be posted on those meeting pages. Public input is also encouraged online via Open City Hall.
* * * * * * * * * *
After you have looked at the Proposed Budget, let members of the Budget Committee know your views.  If you have specific suggestions, contact a committee member for information on how to present them to the committee.  
Friday is the final day to let the Budget Committee know what you think of the Capital Improvement list on Open City Hall.  


  1. The Budget Committee meeting is Tuesday April 22 at 6 PM

    1. Thanks! Correction made. Good luck on Tuesday night!
