Monday, March 3, 2014

URGENT - Correction on PC Meeting agenda

The Planning Commission meeting agenda for March 10, does not include a hearing about the TSP as I was told, but has instead, important code amendments that are listed as "housekeeping."   Keep watching the PC meeting notice web page for further changes to the document list or content, and for possible agenda changes.

I urge all readers to review the PC Memo and let your City Council and the Commission for Public Involvement (the Planning Commission) know if you have any problems with how this information is being handled.   There is another HUGE problem with these supposedly minor "housekeeping" issues - there are no actual existing and proposed code wording that accompanies the summary chart. The vague descriptions are not enough to tell exactly what Staff is talking about.  Guesses are not enough.

Read the previous blog entry about the PC Meeting for more information on this topic.

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