Sunday, March 16, 2014

The End of Affordabioity

If I have shared this paper with you already, consider this a review of how far and how deep the smart growth ideology has gone.  This writer gives us a bleak picture of where we are headed.  We currently have two Town "Centers," two "Employment Districts" and a couple "Corridors."  We also have several "Neighborhood Villages" and "Neighborhood Commons" (or activity nodes).   All of these places have definitions that give shape to how our town is shaped and used (up).

When (not if) commercial land in the corridors (and Foothills) becomes mixed use (horizontal or vertical), the density of Lake Oswego could surpass anything seen in the past.

Is this what Lake Oswegans asked for?  Is this why any of moved here and paid a premium in house prices to do so?  Metro doesn't care.  And given how our local elected officials have given in to Metro's demands when they didn't have to, our town has been laid bare to all manner of smart growth manipulation.

If there is one place to stop this madness, it is at the local level.  Who is brave enough to stop Metro's destruction of our town - at least changing it without public approval?   Who will step up to the plate and be a voice for independence?  The 2014 City Council election will be crucial to the future of LO.

SOS is one group in Australia fighting back against the same overbearing land use restrictions that harm the average person and seem to benefit only a certain class of developers and political, transportation, consultant, industrial partners.  Read the paper and know that this land use scheme is not about saving the planet, it's about something else.  But what?

This 5-part video from SOS is a parallel to what is happening in the US.  Each part is short and VERY good at explaining what is going on.

Battery cages, the cruelest of all factory farming systems, are illegal across the European Union and have been condemned by the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production. California should be celebrated, not sued, for taking a stand against these inhuman (Oops! That should be  inhumane) practices.

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