Monday, March 24, 2014

Lake Oswego Land Use Hearing Tonight


According to Oregon land use planning laws, transportation and land use must be coordinated in a city's Comprehensive Plan.   The Transportation System Plan (TSP) is part of the Connected Communities portion of the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan.  When the separately updated TSP is approved - after Public Hearings in front of the a Planning Commission (tonight) and the City Council, it becomes part of the Comprehensive Plan, the land use Playbook for our city.

Planning Commission 
Monday, March 24, 2014
6:30 PM
City Council Chambers, City Hall

Written testimony can be sent to the Planning Commission by 5:00 PM tonight.  See the Planning Commission Meeting web page for tonight's meeting for more info. AND to get copies of the Transportation System Plan (2 parts - Body and Technical Reports).

DO NOT depend on others to carry the water for your concerns!  Speakers have 3 minutes and will be using it to express their likes and dislikes of the Plan.  If there is something that bothers you -


A sample of what is and what is not in the plan:

Map of proposed pathways - NW Quadrant (there are 4 maps that cover the city)
The map shows the pathways, but does not show which of them are on the city's right of way (ROW) and which are on private property cutting through private backyards and business driveways.  You will have to reference another city map with lot lines for that.

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Pathways map is accompanied by a prioritized list of projects.
(See the Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail System Plan and Maps on the Metro website.)

69% of the TSP listed projects are for bicycle and pedestrian pathways.  
The TOP 5 Bicycle and Pedestrian Pathway Projects are for Regional (Metro-related) Plans.
The TOP 10 have links to Regional Trails.
Number 11 is the "Willamette Steps" - a project related to the Foothills Development Plan.
X number of private properties encroached by proposed paths.  (Have not counted yet).

And this doesn't include the Roadway or Transit Sections where streets are up classified when conditions do not warrant it but for future anticipated growth.  Aren't you curious where that growth might me?

And NONE of the cost estimates include FUTURE MAINTENANCE on new infrastructure which could be considerable! Shouldn't we be taking care of what we already have before we add anything new?

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