Thursday, February 27, 2014

Transportation System Plan - Part 3 - Meeting Dates CORRECTION

If you have ANY comments you want to share with the Transportation Advisory Board, you have until March 5 to get them in, prior to their meeting on March 6, at 6:30 pm, City Hall.  The comments will be considered by the Board and then written up by Amanda Owings, Transportation Engineer, in a report that will go to the Planning Commission for the Public Hearing on March 10, just 4 days later.

No agenda is posted for either meeting - this agenda items for these dates were derived from Engineering Department personnel.  I don't like it, but agendas are generally not posted online until about 4 days prior to the actual meeting.  If the subject is complex, there is usually no time to do any study or to get questions answered - but it meets the letter of the law.

 Transportation Advisory Board  
March 6, 2014
6:30 PM
City Hall

CORRECTION:  The Agenda for the March 10 PC Meeting does not have any mention of the TSP hearing.  It is unknown if either the verbal or website information is correct.  Be on the lookout for updates and changes!  Let Up Sucker Creek know if there are other dates for TSP meetings. 

            Planning Commission    
March 10, 2014
6:30 PM
City Hall

Don'f forget to let your City Council know what you think.

This is your city after all.

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