Thursday, February 13, 2014

The TAB & The TSP

The Draft Transportation System Plan is now ready and members of the Transportatipn Advisory Board picked up their copies of the TSP today (Wed. 2/12).   The TAB Meeting scheduled for today was cancelled so the committee members can read the document prior to the meeting.  The next TAB meeting date is not scheduled yet - it could be anywhere from 1-3 weeks off.  Keep checking the TAB Meeting webpage for updated information.

It is important for the public to read the Draft TSP before the next TAB meeting also, in order to see what kinds of changes are being proposed and where potential problems might occur.  The next stop for the TSP will be the Planning Commission, then the City Council, and when approved, the plan will become part of the Comprehensive Plan for the city which will drive decisions on land use, capital improvement projects, and most importantly, the livibility of Lake Oswego for years to come.

There is an important distinction between having a document presented to you during a meeting and reading it first and being ready to ask questions during the meeting.  Studying a subject first yields more thoughtful questions and better interaction at a subsequent meeting.

Until the Draft TSP is posted online, contact City Traffic Engineer, Amanda Owings, to get one.
Amanda Owings:  Phone:  503-635-0274   Email:
Always be prepared.

It's your city after all. 

how about some "active" transportation?

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