Tuesday, February 25, 2014

LO lets developers know what "too big" is

KOIN TV news broadcast on Friday, February 21, covered the Wizer Block controversy in Lake Oswego.  Too bad viewers AND residents can't see a superimposed model of the proposed development so they could get a good idea of how big the thing really is and how much space it fills.

To see the TV broadcast, click HERE.  

Lake Oswego high rise apts plan nixed

LAKE OSWEGO, Ore. (KOIN) — It’s back to the drawing board for developers who want to build an apartment complex in downtown Lake Oswego.
Developers wanted to build a 228-unit apartment complex on A Avenue between 1st and 2nd streets. That stretch was originally laid out to be part of the retail commercial core in the downtown area.
“The sheer size and density of the proposal” is why this became such a hot-button issue in Lake Oswego, said neighborhood advocate Jim Bolland.
The plan called for 290,000 square-feet of residential space with with 28,000 square-feet for retail. That ratio was not in line with the city design plan.
When developer Pat Kessi took his proposal to the Development Review Commission, the meeting drew a packed house of proponents and opponents.
But the review commission decided the proposed development simply does not work.

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