Monday, February 3, 2014

DRC Hearing - Part 2 on Jan. 29

At the first DRC hearing on Jan. 22, there was time for only 2 people opposing the project to speak, therefore these notes pertain to the second night only.  Comments have been edited and combined to avoid repetition.  

  •  Project does not follow spirit or rules of city code.  Density,  shading, renderings are deceiving, ballon exercise good but reality will be worse, traffic, "magic math" traffic data.  Applicant's data says traffic would be the same as Wizer stores, people cut thru now, current traffic issues on 1st st.  Farmers Market, customers at businesses will be negatively impacted.
  • Lives 2-3 blocks away - parking horrendous on Farmers Mkt. days now
  •  Real estate taxes - no benefit to city for 15-30 years as taxes go to repay the bonds!  In that time, current taxpayers will make up the shortfall.  Should not subsidize moneymakers for developers.  Cost of living will affect people's ability to live here.  
  • Moved here from Sedona -traveled everywhere - could have lived anywhere -  why are planners trying to shove density plans on the city that doesn't fit the special feel of the city?  Density & shading are serious issues.
  • Wants condos with residents who will have a stake in the area and the future of the town. 
  • Concerns that the developers/investors (Evergreen Group LLC) will sell the complex to an institution with owners who can't even find Lake Oswego on a map
  • LOCAL.  Citizen survey - 44%responded.  54% not in favor, 26% in favor.  Too many units, 77% too many floors.  Comments in 44-page document.
Applicant Rebuttal
 no new evidence allowed.  EXCEPT - if new evidence is given, then anyone can rebut it.  NOTE:  Applicant did produce new evidence, so hearing is continued and open to new evidence from anyone.  See prior post on subject ("It's still not over") and check city website.  
  • EC base zone = 60' height.  Guiding principal is that target height is 60' and not necessary to have any setbacks - if height is under 60', number of stories can go to 5 since code does not specifically disallow it.
  • Complies with "village character" by keeping within code height limits.  
  • DRC's concern about 4 and 5 stories on inside courtyard  - Applicant has already redesigned area of concern - will push 4th story back like on street side.  
  • Retail parking ramp - pedestrian safety on sidewalk at garage exit is protected with visible cones with flashing lights and bollards - this should handle safety concerns of cars exiting parking garage in spite of reduced plane at entry/exit.  
DRC Questions:
  • Concern about emergency access for elderly population.  
  • Elevators in each building.  Designed to code.  Do not know about stretcher sizes.
  • Pet issue - dogs mark territory - is this the best residential area?
  • Code allows residential outright along with commercial - 
  • pet management - pet grooming studio in garage and contemplating pet relief area within building, bag dispensers and receptacles, rules for responsible pet ownership.  
  • Did you think about building one building at a time?
  • Represent the times, re interpret the design for our times
  • Truck loading
  • Supplement and complement adjoining retail - can add retail on interior courtyard if needed.  Loading areas are for 28k sf of retail - small truck access, morning deliveries.  
  • Complex massing
  • Not true - plane changes and steps in the facade are complex.  
  • What was driving the 20' walkway?
  • Hill towns w/ paths compression and then opening to spaces and piazzas
  •  Residential townhomes on 2nd and Evergreen as an exception to code - or interior walkway?

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