Friday, January 10, 2014

Wizer Block smack down

Oops!  Not Lake Oswego.  
Anyway, enjoy the awe inspiring Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota.

The Development Review Commission will take a look at the Evergreen Group's application for a permit to build that big, blocky thing in downtown Lake Oswego.  The DRC smack down will occur on the 22nd at City Hall.  There are a lot of documents associated with the application that are now posted to the project webpage - check them out at:  DRC permit review.  FYI: Anyone who does not testify at this hearing will not be able to appeal the DRC's decision to Council later on.

Hearing is January 22, 2014 at 6 PM at City Hall 

in the Council Chambers

This hearing will be televised on TVCTV Channel 28.

The applicant is requesting approval of a Development Review Permit to construct a mixed use project, including up to 228 residential units and 28,000 square feet of commercial use in three buildings, with the following Exceptions to the Community  Development Code standards:

• Residential uses on the ground floor in EC zone [LOC]
• Fifth floor on a portion of each of the three buildings [LOC]
• Reduced amount of storefront glazing [LOC]
• Retail parking entrance on 1st Street [LOC]
• Shared private/public parking provided on-site [LOC 50.06.002]
• Driveway grades (limited to the 25-foot landing area of the commercial underground parking structure) [LOC]

And the removal of 25 trees to accommodate the development.

1 comment:

  1. Certainly looks like the project has been supported by a lot of good staff (project not City) work.
