Friday, January 3, 2014

Wizer Block DRC review date set

As reported in the new Hello LO, the Development Review Commission (DRC) is "scheduled to review and receive public testimony on the Development Review application submitted by the Evergreen Group LLC for the proposed mixed-use development for Block 137 in downtown Lake Oswego.... The DRC is responsible for ensuring that the application complies with applicable City Code requirements for new developments in the Downtown Redevelopment Design District."

Development Review Commission
Public Hearing
January 22, 2014
6:00 pm*
City Council Chambers, City Hall

* Note:  Hello LO lists the time at 7:00 pm, but the hearing notice online says 6:00 pm.  Be sure to check with the city regarding the correct time, or come early, just in case.

Website for the project is:  Click Here


  1. The link to the city website does not work.

  2. We are on the cusp of losing our village character forever with these modernistic apartment buildings.
    I hope when people look at the website pictures that they become aware of the 5 story height on each building and how the stark, repetitive and uninviting facades will damage our picturesque community.

  3. And yet, the planning establishment keeps telling us about the need to create a sense of place and sense of community. Since we already have that, it appears it is their desire to destroy it in order to replace it with the generic model you describe.
