Friday, January 17, 2014

WEB Decision Delayed

Photo: Lake Oswego Review

Lake Oswego Review:
"The prospective buyer of the city’s beleaguered West End Building now plans to create a conceptual plan for the property."

The City Council has extended the time for Kensington to reapply to the Planning Commission pending zone change needed for the sale of the WEB property.   The planning commission rejected the zone change because there was not enough information to decide the issue.  with the extension, we may soon have a glimpse of what Kensington is planning for the WEB property.  

But will the "concept" be what the project will look like in the end?  Until the final plans are permitted, there is no way of knowing what will actually be built.  This project will need to be watched as it develops to preserve the quality of life that is compatible to the neighbors and the city.  

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