Monday, January 27, 2014

TSP Open House - Monday 4:30 - 6 pm City Hall


Date/Time: Monday, Jan 27, 2014 
4:30 pm. City Hall

Curious about the planning of Lake Oswego's transportation system? Then join us at an Open House on the Transportation System Plan (TSP), Monday, January 27, 2014 from 4:30-6:00 pm at City Hall. This is immediately before the Planning Commission meeting. The TSP document is a supplement to the Comprehensive Plan that guides planning and development throughout the city. The TSP process analyzes needs for transportation improvements, develops near term and long range projects, and establishes guidance for creating a multi-modal system supporting autos, bikes, pedestrians, and transit.
This open house will:
• show maps of planned transportation projects
• review proposed changes to street classifications
• explain funding outlook for transportation, and
• illustrate typical sections that guide our street improvements.
You are invited to come and see what’s happening, ask questions, and leave comments. We look forward to seeing you there!
* * * * *
Check out TAB agenda packet for documents related to the TSP.  Unfortunately, despite a public records request to see it, the Draft TSP has been withheld from both the TAB and the general public.  The TAB meeting handouts should have been posted to the TAB website, though it is unclear if all documents for the meetings including the TSPAC Committee are posted.  Further checking will determine what is available, though all working documents including TSPAC information, draft documents and technical reports from consultants should be made public upon request prior to the finished TSP.  
From the Staff Report for the Planning Commission work session at 6:00 pm on Jan. 27 in City Hall Council Chambers, immediately following the TAP Open House:
  1. New regional planning requirements are in effect since the City adopted its first TSP in 1997. These requirements are found in Metro’s Functional Plan which directs local jurisdictions to implement the Regional 2040 Growth Concept, a longrange plan intended to guide growth and development of the region over 50 years. The 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), adopted by Metro in June 2010, identifies the transportation policies, projects, and strategies needed to implement the 2040 Growth Concept. The RTP also contains criteria for monitoring transportation system performance for all modes of travel.  (See also 2035 Regional High Capacity Transit Plan RHCT)

    Although State and Metro planning rules require the City to periodically update its Plan, the City chooses how to create a wellfunctioning, integrated transportation system that responds to local needs. The transportation plan must address increasing automobile traffic and alternative modes of travel, while maintaining neighborhood livability

    The goal is to finish the TSP in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan update. At this time, it appears that will be late spring or summer of this year. Remaining steps and key dates are as follows:

    Open House                                                                January 27
    Planning Commission Work Session                         January 27
    Planning Commission Hearing & Findings           March 10 and March 24 
    City Council Work Session.                                        April 15
    City Council Hearing and Adoption.                           
    May 19 May 20

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    Given that there are three Metro plans that have requirements for transportation and land use in metro urban areas, how much freedom does the City have to choose how to respond to local needs?  The city's powers of Home Rule give it more power than Metro would like, but that is latitude the City rarely, if ever, uses.  Transportation and land use are tied together, so how much of the plan the Council  agrees to will determine how the city will grow.  Citizens need to become acquainted with the TSP in order to make their wishes known to the Planning Commission and City Council. 


  1. Apparently the TAB has not seen the TSP nor been involved in its development.

    1. Listening to audio recordings of the TAB meetings is a bit tedious at 1-1/2 to 2 hours, but illuminating about how the Board works and what they talk about.
