Saturday, January 18, 2014

SW Corridor Plan the Metro Way

Opportunities to learn about the Southwest Corridor Plan

for an overview of the subject, Click Here.

THERE's ANOTHER SIDE TO THIS ISSUE  - keep watching this site for the People's view!  

Attention!  This website has been altered quite a bit since I last saw it several weeks ago.  I'm not sure when they changed their opening page for the SW Corridor Plan, but check out the other Transportation Plans and you'll see what I'm talking about.  They also put the SW Corridor "Shared Investment Partners" in small print buried within other links making it harder to find.  A new "Fact" sheet is also posted on the website and there are  meeting times that are different from the calendar placed on the bottom of the main webpage.

ID Southwest kickoff meeting.  This is morning meeting is on the bottom of the main page -not listed with the other calendar dates at the top. 
ID Southwest is a subcommittee of the Southwest Corridor Plan steering committee, charged with advising the steering committee on the implementation of opportunity projects related to the plan. This is ID Southwest’s inaugural meeting. For more information, contact Juan Carlos Ocaña-Chíu at juan.carlos.ocana-chiu@oregonmetro.govMultnomah Arts Center, dance studio

Learn more about the Southwest Corridor Plan
Thursday, Jan 23
10:00 am - 12:00 pm.  


Calendar  From Metro's website

  • Portland | 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 | TriMet Southwest Service Enhancement Plan forum, Multnomah Arts Center 
  • Portland | 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3 | Southwest Corridor Plan Portland Working Group, Multnomah Arts Center 
  • Tualatin | 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 | TriMet Southwest Service Enhancement Plan forum, Tualatin Public Library 
Southwest Service Enhancement Plan forum (Southwest Corridor Plan)
As part of the Southwest Corridor Shared Investment Strategy*, TriMet has started a Southwest Service Enhancement Plan, asking residents about their priorities for local bus service improvements to connect Portland, Tigard, Sherwood, Lake Oswego, West Linn and other destinations in the Southwest Corridor. Work with TriMet planners and other folks interested in the future of transit in the corridor.
This meeting is held in the auditorium.
Thursday, Jan 23
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Multnomah Arts Center
7688 SW Capitol Highway
PortlandOR 97219
Event contact info
Tom Mills

*  "Shared Investment Strategy" means that Metro plans, and the cities they "partner" with pay for the transportation infrastructure - and maintenance thereof.  Forever.  The locals have a "say" in what their TSPs (Transportation System Plans) look like, but Metro planners  and others are involved in each TSP committee as a technical advisor.  The local TSPs fit together, just the way Metro planned in their RTSP. 

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