Tuesday, January 21, 2014

STOP!! Danger!

This will be my last post on this topic.  After tonight, this will like outer space- no easy way back, if at all.

You still have time to let your councilors know what you think!  If you haven't read the IGA - the WHOLE thing, then do it now - Click Here to see the IGA (starts on page 89 of packet).  Don't let other citizens do the work for you hoping they'll say what you think.  Get your message to the council by writing them email before 5:00 pm or sooner!  Click Here for a link to the Council webpage and the email address. (Email link is tiny - left column, second link down.)  Or come to the meeting tonight and tell them yourself during the Citizen Comments portion of the meeting.

A Baker's Dozen of Options for the Council Tonight
  1. Don't sign it - chuck the IGA, it's not what you want to see for LO anyway
  2. Don't sign it - you need more time to study the plan and IGA before taking this step
  3. Don't sign it - staff can do preliminary area planning for 2040 regional goals (no consultants) to help understand what the repercussions are
  4. Don't sign it - No IGAs with Metro, ever, or not until an independent land use attorney reviews it and it fits LO goals (and citizen survey?)
  5. Don't sign it - the Comp Plan hasn't even been approved yet!  What about the MMA, other suggested changes - let's deal with that first and look at this later
  6. Don't sign it - the planning involved will take so long another council will decide the outcome, however it comes out
  7. Make the planners spell out their final plan for this district plus what the commitments are
  8. Sign it - you know what the end game is already and like it
  9. Sign it - it's just for planning purposes, right?  
  10. Sign it - Close your eyes and sign the thing - the staff has put so much work into it already, and it looks and sounds good
  11. Sign it - you don't want to look like a no-growth politician and questioning this will make it seem like you question staff anyway
  12. Sign it - who cares.  The thing will happen with or without you anyway.  Let it go.  Where's the Kool-Aid?  
  13. Sign it - your friends or neighbors or people who may benefit, have been promoting it, and you don't want to disappoint them

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