Thursday, January 30, 2014


In a Memo for the DRC hearing on the Wizer Block development on Jan. 29 from three city engineers who responded to issues raised on January 22.

Issue:  What will be the impact of the development on parking when there are events at Millennium Park such as Farmers Market, and what are the development plans for what would most certainly be a worse situation than there is already?  Not only would even-goers be negotively affected, but so would neighbors, apartment dwellers and area businesses.
  • Special Events Permitting and Traffic Management:  
All special events are regulated by LOC 20.06.500, and must receive permit approval by the City Manager.  Each event permit application is closely reviewed by multiple departments within the City, including Police, Fire, and Engineering, and the applicant must abide by conditions of approval I posed by the departments.  This includes traffic control requirements during the events.  In the case of the Farmer's Market or any other sizable event held at Millennium Park, City staff reviews the requests and imposes conditions and makes recommendations for how to properly manage traffic flow for the event.  Engineering believes it is the responsibility of the event organizer to address the traffic impacts from its event, not to condition a private development to manage or control traffic or congestion caused by the special event traffic upon adjacent businesses and residences.  

Um...  If a semi-truck was hurtling toward you, wouldn't you get out of its way?   One can logically deduce that a huge apartment complex will create more traffic and congestion than what existed before it was built - and that since traffic and congestion in the same area is already bad when there are events at the park next door - it would seem to reason that the addition of a secondary source of congestion would be FAR worse, - nd that negative impacts of the development should be mitigated up front!  Here's a tip --
if you can see a big truck coming at you - get out of the way!   

Why wait until the accident you know is going to happen happens before you look at the code to see who's at fault?  Especially when the truck is moving very fast!  


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