Friday, January 31, 2014

Megacity Blues

This is from our friends at Save Our Suburbs in Sydney, AU -- see link to their website in menu at right.  Fabulous images!  Frightening landscapes!

Hi SOS Members

This revealing article is appearing in the Discovery Channel Magazinewhich is a three time winner of the SOPA Award of Editorial Excellence.  Megacity blues is a most interesting discussion on cities, bringing up aspects we do not ordinarily think about.   I am one of three people interviewed by the author, the other two being Joel Kotkin (Distinguished Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University in California and whom some consider the world’s foremost futurist) and Dr Han Sun Sheng (University of Melbourne and an expert in Asia-Pacific studies).

Some excerpts from the article:

“mega-cities are creating societies that are in the most fundamental way unsustainable, with ultra-expensive housing and children who have no exposure to nature”

“People don’t want to live in high-density neighbourhoods all their lives. It is okay when you are in your twenties, but once people start having families they want space, not crowds”

“can’t understand why in the 21st century people are returning to the (overcrowded) restrictions of 200 years ago”

“a seventy percent increase in psychosis in high-density dwellers”

“shocking images of people living like battery hens in tiny cubicle apartments”

“large numbers of cars travelling at slow speed … public transport is crowded and uncomfortable and this is a significant factor in making (Asian) cities unliveable”

“this growth is driven by planners and the greed of developers”

“increases the gap between the rich and poor”

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