Thursday, January 30, 2014

It's STILL not over!

The DRC hearing on the Wizer Block development finished up tonight with testimony from the opposition, neutral parties, and a rebuttal from the applicant.  At the completion of the testimony and the Commission's questions, the attorney for Save Our Village and Lakeview Village asked for a continuance to study new evidence submitted by the developer.

The Design Review Commission has reopened the hearing 
to evidence from anyone who wishes to offer it, in writing only, within a deadline of 5:00 pm, February 5.  Any party may then rebut the new evidence by 5:00 pm February 7.  City staff will write a report and the Commission will then review the evidence and make a decision on the developer's permit application.

So, if you have any last minute evidence to offer, now's your chance!  But please do your homework first - read the application and the Exhibits, Staff Reports, etc. from the project website.

The suspense is killing me, but from now on, it's a waiting game.  How about a game of Monopoly while we wait?

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