Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Come early tonight - Doors open at 5:00 pm!

Come early to the DRC Hearing tonight on the Wizer Block, or be prepared to stand.  Doors open at 5:00 PM.  There are a lot of people interested in this, and many are sure to be there for the show.  Do not be Unruly!  Unruly people can watch the program live on Channel 28 at home.

 Read background material to follow along, and see the elements of The Evergreen Group's Permit Application.  Click Here. 

Pictures can tell a story - but you have to know how to read them.
The size of people on the drawing would be teeny - much smaller than the height of the 1st floor!
The only blue sky one would see when near this building would be facing up or at an extreme angle.

Updates  (from city website)

The developer has submitted their Development Review application, and a hearing has been scheduled for the January 22, 2014 Development Review Commission meeting. The meeting will be broadcast live on Tualatin Valley Community TV Channel 28. The Planning Department will provide additional information on the City's project webpage under the case file number LU 13-0046. 

The City Council will only get involved in this project if there is an appeal of the DRC's decision.

From the City Calendar, the merting starts at 6:00 PM 

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