Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Good Luck to Us All. City Council Meeting at 4pm today

I know that all 4 parts of the Comp Plan Nightmares was a lot of reading - that is, if anyone actually attempted to read it all.  And remember, this does not include Part 1 at all.

The devil IS in the details, which are the codes that will follow.  If you don't get the Comprehensive Plan right, the trouble with the codes will trouble the city for years.  Some of the comp plan goals and policies are designed to transform Lake Oswego into the 20-minute urban form with increased density, mixed use encouraged in all parts of town along with community gardens and opportunities for high-capacity transit.  Though Foothills development has been delayed, it has not disappeared, and Metro still shows the (flood plain, industrial) area as a major center for population density in the future.  Commercial and increased density incursions into residential neighborhoods are not only likely, but certain.  

If Lake Oswego is to retain even a shred of it's suburban, residential, family-oriented way of life, the City Council is our best hope for holding the line with the comp plan and the codes to follow.  But with a flawed plan, good luck.  And good luck to residents who struggle now with outrageous utility bills who may be asked to pay ever more as development outpaces the city's ability to service it.  Our expense, a developers' gain.  We CAN determine our own future, but ONLY IF our local elected officials, and an educated public (educated about land use issues) make the immense effort.  It's worth it.  

Today is a defining day.

Where do we to from here?  How hard will it be to pull back from what we all say we don't want?  Why are we allowing current planning theories to dominate our way of life?  All good questions, but only 7 people who can do anything about them.

Good luck to us all.

Special City Council Meeting is at 4:00 pm today (12/10/13)

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