Sunday, December 1, 2013

Comp Plan Part 2 Public Hearing TUESDAY!

Hopefully all the turkey and football this weekend didn't make you forget that the City Council meeting this Tuesday, Dec. 3, will be the last public hearing for Package 2 of the Comprehensive Plan.  The meeting starts at 6:30 PM at City Hall.  The sections of the Plan that will be covered are:  Land Use Planning, Urbanization, and Community Health and Public Safety.  In addition to Package 2, the Council will also finish their review of Package 1 from the last Council meeting.

All three sections in Package 2 are extremely important to how the city will grow and function in the future, and lays the groundwork for community development codes - the ones that allow for higher buildings, greater lot coverage, increased density and commercial intrusions into neighborhoods in addition to other Smart Growth/New Urbanism planning concepts.

Pick out one, two or three items that are important to you - to keep or throw out - and let the council know how you feel.  Try to be specific about why you don't like something and provide data whenever you can.  This is the time to SPEAK UP.
Be There!

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