Friday, December 20, 2013

Around and around we go...

City Notes
Lake Oswego Review, December 19, 2013

WATER PARTNERSHIP — Officials coordinating the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership’s infrastructure projects are looking for new routes for a pipeline in the Oswego Lake area. This change in direction stems from cost proposals that “substantially exceeded program estimates” for running a pipeline under the lake, according to the partnership. Instead, officials are now considering routes around the lake instead of underneath it, and they expect to identify an alternative plan by the end of the year. Survey, design and geotechnical work and permitting for the alternate alignment are expected to follow.

Which route do you think LOTWP will choose - State St. Or South Shore?  

Which of the available routes will cost more money? 

Will going over land rather than under water actually save any money? 

This will be one to watch - after all, it's our money.  

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