Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Another city considers leaving Metro

Boring isn't an incorporated city, but half of the residents of the area live within the Metro boundary and half live in unincorporated Clackamas County.  The half that lives in Metro territory pays property tax to the regional layer of government.

Some people think that by incorporating as a city and being fully in Metro's boundary they would have more control over future development.  Others are concerned about Metro's requirement of all cities to include industrial land in their city limits as well as plan for density.

The thing is, ALL the citizens want the same thing -- to keep Boring rural in character.  It's a red herring that being a city will give them more control, but with sharp elected officials they could maybe slow the damage.  The density and Smart Growth bulldozer is determined and deep - too much for any one city to fight, even though it is technically possible.  Just ask Damascus.

Good luck Boring!

Read it here:

Boring residents still skeptical of Metro's benefits after 

discussion with Councilor Shirley Craddick

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