Thursday, December 19, 2013

A few words can change a city

The Comprehensive Plan Evolution: 
Enabling, not setting a direction, for public choices

What a difference a few words make.  Instead of encouraging people to walk and ride bikes, the city will enable residents to walk, bike and drive.  Thinking adults can make their own choices about how to get around without overreaching government central planners trying to manipulate their preferred outcomes.

From original Comp Plan Vision Statement
Connected Community
We have safe, efficient and convenient transportation choices.  There are frequent and reliable public transportation options that make it easy to move around our city and the region. Pathways, sidewalks, roadways and bike routes encourage residents of all neighborhoods to walk and bike safely.

From Comp Plan Vision Statement  (as of 12/3/13)
Connected Community
We have safe, efficient and convenient transportation choices for all users. There are frequent and reliable public transportation options that make it easy to move around our City and the region. Safe pathways, sidewalks, roadways and bike routes enable residents of all neighborhoods to walk and bike and drive. 


  1. Not necessarily the most appropriate place to share; however...

    THANK YOU for all your good work in creating this most wonderful local blog. It's great to have a resource which shares critical information while promoting thoughtful community comment and dialogue.
    ALSO, may you and those you love enjoy a most special holiday season...MERRY Christmas and HAPPY New Year!

    1. Thank You! You expressed exactly why I am doing this. I have my point of view of course, but I welcome others to agree or disagree and discuss issues. Most of all, I want people to know where some of the things we are seeing play out here are coming from. I wasn't seeing anything happening in the local press, so I felt compelled to do something about it. The blog isn't about me or even my opinions - it's about learning and discussing things together.

      You can help by telling your friends to check the blog out. And if you or anyone else has an issue you'd like to see talked about or if you have something to share, write me at my email -

      Thanks again for your kind words - and a Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. I know that "connected communities" is just another one of the urban planner buzz words like "neighborhood villages" and "commercial corners" but when I think of connected communities I think of a deeper meaning. I think of an intellectually connected community where residents have the ability to access real information about what's going on in their local government. And that precious commodity is getting harder and harder to find in Lake Oswego. The city publications (LO Down etc) are mostly manufactured pap, good news only, or spun news. The Lake Oswego Review and the Oregonian have lazy journalists who simply regurgitate city press releases and rarely seek out dissenting opinions. Up Sucker Creek is filling that void in a huge way and truly connecting the residents of our community!
