Friday, December 27, 2013

A Better Way to "Sustainability"

When the City Council crafts their goals for 2014, and when the Budget Committee meets, all issues pertaining ton"Sustainability" should be on the radar.  The city should make policies that are the most practical for Lake Oswego's citizen-taxpayers.  To be responsible to its constituency, our leaders need to focus on core services, and on what actually works.

Toward that end, I would Ike to offer this video to the city as a way to approach "sustainability."  Eco: Nomics is a conference sponsored by the Wall Street Journal that takes place annually in Santa Barbara.

Are There Better Ways to Combat Climate Change? 
 - WSJ  ECO: Nomics

"Focusing on reducing emissions over the past 20 years has not yielded any results" says Bjørn Lomborg, Director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center. Joel Kotkin, Distinguished Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University says we need solutions that do not change people’s daily lives.  Click on image for video link.


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