Thursday, November 7, 2013

You can just see it now - it's coming...

Metro's plans for the region always looks the same - compact urban form, more dense cities and suburbs, reduction of automobile use by reducing or eliminating parking and installing traffic calming features on roads, more "high capacity" transit, more biking and walking to wherever you want to go, etc.

This article from Nick Christensen from Metro talks about the state mandate to reduce tailpipe emissions by 20% in the next 22 years.  Metro is working on the plan right now and is required to complete the plan by the end of next year.  Read about the program's purpose and options.  

No matter the option, they all call for the public to pay more for their travel.  This will severely impact lower income residents as the automobile factors as a chief way they get to work, and without it they would loose their jobs, or never get one.  Any changes in this mandate will have to come from the state.  

1 comment:

  1. Would be interesting to know the "legislative history" and vote regarding this state mandate.
