Thursday, November 14, 2013

They're baaaack...

Wizer Development (Block 137) being defended from attacking native people.

They are back in force and have brought reinforcements!  The King's troops have gathered and are circling their wagons and infantry around the fort.  The barrage of attacks from the aboriginal people have been escalating and may even do some real damage if left unchecked, so decisive action must be taken immediately!  Bring it on defenders all!  No holding back!  If this fort falls, the whole empire may go and all the King's fortunes with it.

The troops are using psychological warfare too - trying to win hearts and minds by appealing to the aboriginals' reasonable side, and at the same time, inferring that they are backward and emotional - if they want to be on the winning side, they should surrender now!  

The peons can't be allowed to win, they know that other forts are being planned and built are vulnerable too and if they win here they will be unstopable.  They may like things now, but when they see what's in store for them, the locals will be even more rabid, so the line is here, and the time is now!

The only aboriginals of real concern are the minority that really care enough to fight.  The real masses are asleep, but if they ever woke up, the kingdom and all its fortunes would be lost, because the future really is in their hands - they just don't know it. 

Read the Lake Oswego Review Opinion section and Letters to the Editor in today's paper (11/14/13).   I will be back later with my own comments on the letters, so come back and join me after I finish doing some more raking.  

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