Thursday, November 14, 2013

RoundUP of Street Fees

For everyone who likes to drive, bide a bike and walk on paths, this one's for you.

Daily Journal of Commerce: Nov. 13,  2013
Metro Weighing Whether to Support Proposal to Increase Federal Gas Tax
Metro and the Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation could decide to back a proposed 15-cent hike of the federal gas tax to help pay for transportation infrastructure improvements.

Clackamas County:  Funding Transportation Maintenance and Road Surfacing 
The county commissioners held a study session this week to consider potential funding mechanisms for road maintenance and construction on roads in unincorporated Clackamas County.  Here are the 4 options they are looking at:
  1. County Gas Tax.  The tax would be applied either in the entire county, or just the unincorporated areas, or some combination of the two.  Cities would have to approve any tax in their jurisdictions and then share tax revenue with the county.
  2. Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF).  This fee would cover all vehicles in the county.  The county may set the amount but the amount may not exceed the state registration fee.  The county would keep 60% and share 40% with cities.
  3. Monthly Road Utility Fee.  This fee would be charged to properties in unincorporated Clackamas County.  
  4. County Road District.  A county road district would raise funds through new property taxes.  Cities would be exempt unless they vote to be in the district and share revenue from the tax.  

To look at what the City of Lake Oswego utility fees are, see the Master Fees and Charges 2013 manual.  Pg. 5 shows past and projected future utility fees.  Pg. 6 shows a comparison of Lake Oswego's utility fees with charges from other nearby cities.  

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