Monday, November 25, 2013

Planning Commission WEB Zoning Hearing TONIGHT

PC holds hearing on WEB re-zoning Monday 11/25
6:30 PM City Council Chambers


  1. And, the Planning Commission denied the City's re-zoning request.
    The request to change the zoning on this 14 acre property to General Commercial was more than obnoxious.
    Said request is a demonstration that the Council majority lacks knowledge or simply doesn't care about the effect of such a dramatic change in intensity of use to the surrounding neighborhoods.

  2. I heard the zone request came without any conditions, which is extremely rare. There are any number of things they could have specified. The council may lack knowledge on a number of things, but that is what you hire professionals to do. If the council wants the property sold, there should be people in the city employ who can figure out a way to make it happen. This should not be a winner take all sport, but the neighborhoods must come first, otherwise why pay taxes to live here at all?
