Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Opting into what?

Metro likes to do a lot of volunteer surveys.  They depend on people logging into their website or signing up to receive email notices whenever they have a new issue they want comments on.  Sounds good, right?  How and why should Metro use data from the unscientific surveys?  The problem is, there is no way to gauge how representative the results of the surveys are since the respondents are self-selected.  The results mean about as much as if I surveyed the neighbors on my street and used the information to make decisions for the entire city.  Sounds nuts, right?

 I tend to apply my general government process rule to most public involvement opportunities:  If a government agency is "looking into", "getting information on," or holding a "public open house," generally they already know what result they prefer and the rest is window dressing.  A particularly aggressive agency or department with an agenda could stack voluntary surveys or meetings with people who have sympathetic views.

If it sounds like I am skeptical of bureaucrats' intentions, I guess I am.  I wasn't always this way and I see things are changing locally, but in general, I still think it wise to "trust but verify."

To sign in to see and take the current Metro Opt-In survey and subscribe to future surveys, go to:  http://optinpanel.org/your-opinions-at-work/ and click on Join Now.  

METRO Southwest Corridor Plan

The Southwest Corridor Plan is a regional plan that affects Lake Oswego along the west side of the city along I-5 and roads going into Tigard and Tualatin.  There will be discussion on the merits of the plan and developments in Tigard's initiative to keep light rail out of the city in later posts.  But if you are interested in catching up on what Metro has in mind, the meeting on the 6th (see below) is a good opportunity to do so.  Background information can be found here:  http://www.oregonmetro.gov/index.cfm/go/by.web/id/35309

Community planning forum  Nov. 6

If you wish the bus ran later or more frequently or would like to take transit to work, school, appointments or recreation, TriMet planners need to hear from you at the next community planning forum.
This community planning forum is your chance to:
  • give your thoughts on local transit service needs in the Southwest Corridor
  • find out about the next phase for a potential high capacity transit investment and give your thoughts on the purpose and need (which shapes the process for narrowing options)
  • talk to staff to catch up on the Southwest Corridor Plan or ask questions.
Join the conversation 5:30-7:30 Wednesday, Nov. 6 at the Tigard Public Works Auditorium, 8777 SW Burnam St., Tigard. Get location details. 

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