Monday, November 18, 2013

***If you do only TWO things today...***

If, as in the last post of [nearly] the same name, the push is towards a regional form of government, then this article on Regionalism should be of vital interest to you too.  Joel Kotkin often writes about how most Americans prefer living in the suburbs despite what Urbanist's like to say.  The shift to a regional form of government takes sovereign states and home rule cities and quietly robs them of their constitutional relevance.  The big stick for the Feds is the money they distribute to the governments on "lower" rungs of government, ignoring the role of states in our country.  Any jurisdiction that wants to remain independent has to reject federal money - the addictive drug that fuels machine.  But how many governments can Just Say No?  How many citizens are prepared for that either?

For the liberty of not living under a federal regime.....  That would take courage.  And if enough cities and states refused federal money, and if our senators and congressmen changed laws to put the money back into our hands....  What would it take at every governmental level?  

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