Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Wizer Block Development:
Tonight, Wednesday 10/23, there is an Evergreen Neighborhood Association meeting at Our Lady of the Lake School at 6:30 pm to discuss the proposed Wizer Block development.  For attendees outside the Evergreen neighborhood, the Neighborhood Association will hold their meeting before there is any public comment, so please hold your thought until invited to speak.

Developer, Patrick Kessi is supposed to be at the meeting, and perhaps his attorney representing the development, Christy White (partner in the Foothills development group of Williams, Dame and White).

This should be interesting.

Comprehensive Plan Hearing:
October 28 --  Planning Commission -- Package 2  (Community Health and Public Safety,  Land Use Planning, Urbanization) (LU 13-0045)
If you are concerned about density creep, inappropriate infill in residential areas (small houses torn down and a monster home built in a block of small homes), commercial uses and multifamily increasing into your neighborhood, and most of all, preserving the character of your neighborhood and the city, then you should care about this.  The comp plan and has a lot of very important content that will affect codes and land use development for years to come.  And don't forget to read and comment on the Background Reports!  There have been a LOT of inaccuracies and fuzzy science in them, and they form the basis for the goals and policies.  These should be pointed out also

If you send me your findings on the Background Report,l I will do a fact check and report them here. 

Come to the hearing prepared with written testimony about which Section, Goal and Policy you are referring to and why you think it should be changed or deleted.  The best thing to do is to email your written testimony to the planning commission before noon on Monday to the council and Scot Siegel, Planning Director, and ask that it be entered into the record.  Then make notes of the highlight for your spoken testimony for Monday night.  If you can only do one thing, do the written testimony and get it in on time!.  Try to be as thorough and detailed with numbered references as possible.

You can find the document at:  Planning Commission agenda packet
 After this he last time you will have to comment on either Package 1 or 2 will be before the city council in Nov. and Dec.  there are a lower of problems with this document and it is huge, so please get working.

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