Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Planning Commission work session on Urbanization: Stafford anyone?

On Monday, October 14, the Planning Commission will be  having a work session on the Urbanization section of the Comp Plan.  While this is not an official public hearing, the agenda allows for the public to comment on the Urbanization chapter.

5.1 Comprehensive Plan Update/Periodic Review (LU 130045):
Review of proposed amendments to the Urbanization chapter (Goal 14).

Staff coordinator is Scot Siegel, Planning & Building Services Director.

The Planning Commission may accept public comment on this item. The time for comments may be limited.

Since this is not  a Public Hearing and comments are not Testimony, your comments do not have to be as formal, but BE SPECIFIC about which Goal, Policy or Action Measure you are referring to.  This section is short, but extremely important - it directs how LO will expand its boundaries in the future.  Stafford anyone?  Would you like to see the item changed or deleted, and WHY.  Please try to include objective data wherever you can.

Staff Reports provide the rationale for the goals, etc.   Read this part of the report and note subjective, undocumented, and fuzzy data.  There are often errors pertaining to conventional wisdom that are not factual.

It's best if write your opinions AND attend the meeting to speak.  Send your written comments to the staff liaison, Scot Siegel for distribution to the PC.

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