Saturday, October 12, 2013

Planning Commission Meeting Monday - Urbanization

A Planning Commission work session will be held on Monday, 10/. At 6:30 pm.  The topic of discussion by the Commission is the Urbanization section of the Comp Plan.  Comments from the public are allowed.   How should LO grow?  Should we expand beyond our urban services boundaries?  What about Stafford?  How dense should we become?  What do you WANT, rather than what do you think we have to do?  This is OUR city after all.

Since public comments are kept to about 3 minutes, concentrate your remarks to cover the highlights and submit a written copy spelling out the item number of the Urbanization packet you are commenting on and why it is of concern to you.  Comments on the Staff Report are also OK.

Here is the page you can find the Urbanization chapter and meeting agenda.  The chapter is not a tough read - only 16 pages this time.

Submit your written comments to the Planning Commission via the city website at this address: preferably before noon on Monday.  But don't let this be a final deadline - submit later if you have to. Call Scot Siegel, Planning Director tel:(503) 699-7474 if you have any questions about what you see in the packet, the meeting, or submitting comments, etc.

Citizen Involvement 

There is time to comment at the beginning of the meeting regarding Citizen Involvement issues.  The Planning Commission acts as the Commission for Citizen Involvement (every jurisdiction in the state is required to have one).

If you have a concern about how citizen involvement is handled in LO, this is the venue to bring it up.  If you get no relief, then you may take your concerns to the council.  It would be a good idea to write your concerns down for the PC and cc the Council.

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