Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oregon Passenger Rail Study

The State transportation planners have a plan for you - whether you want it or not:  A HIGH SPEED Passenger Rail Service from Eugene to Portland.  High Speed government trains?  Sounds like another make-work project for ODOT.  Anything to get us out of our cars, at any price.

This notice was contained in the LO Down e-newsletter:  Side Note: Though the preliminary routes do not come through Lake Oswego as in earlier proposals, the alignment with the Amtrack route to Oregon City may have implications for LO.  We haven't dodged anything yet.


Oregon Passenger Rail

Oregon Passenger Rail Study

The Oregon Department of Transportation is studying ways to improve intercity passenger rail service between the Eugene-Springfield urban area and the Portland-Vancouver urban area. The study will help decide on a general passenger rail route and evaluate options for train frequency, trip time, and improving on-time performance. The project team has evaluated preliminary alternatives for passenger rail routes and is ready to share the results with the public and get your feedback.
Attend an Open House
The needs and concerns of Oregon citizens are a key driver of the Oregon Passenger Rail study. Join ODOT to review the evaluation results and provide comments.
Oregon City – Tuesday, November 12, 4-6:30pm (Pioneer Community Center, 615 Fifth St, Oregon City)
Portland – Thursday, November 14, 5-7pm (PCC Climb Center, 1626 SE Water Ave, Portland)
Online Open House
Can’t make it to an open house? Visit between November 5 and November 18 to participate in ODOT's virtual open house where you can review and provide comments on the evaluation results.


  1. This concept fits perfectly with increasing the population density. If we have people in more dense areas near rail stations then they are more likely to use the rail; it's the European concept and why rail does better there. The planners may be missing a big issue though - there is just too much space to spread out into (Like the entire Willamette Valley). In addition, you not only need the people in dense spaces you need the jobs there too. We do not have that either. I've seen what Copenhagen (for example) looks like and we cannot create it here. What are we going to do - force big employers into downtown Portland? Nike move into Portland. The workers will revolt.
    The fourth arm of government is on the march; the legislature will let it march. How can we stop it?

  2. Voter Initiatives. As Metro is finding out, Clackistanis and now people in Washington County are rebelling against the rail thugs. It takes a lot of guts, time, people, money and determination. Then there is the job of shaking up the people who have been put to sleep by propaganda that this is what we all need to do to save the Earth. I'm convinced that the numbers and sentiments are there to carry a vote to save the livability of our city, county, and state. I am not so sure about Multnomah Co., so that could be a problem. Getting rid of Metro would be a big plus - they have millions of our tax dollars to use to promote this stuff and no one tracks what they do. But I am optimistic about the future since there are so many fires being lit now. They just need to be stoked and directed.
