Wednesday, September 25, 2013


It's over!  Finally.

You can put your popcorn and beverages away for another day.  While the outcome was not the edge-of-your-seat experience I expected, it doesn't mean everything went smoothly.  Jon Gustafson did some hand-wringing, and Donna Jordan took herself out of the fray altogether by abstaining on all votes pertaining to the election of a new councilor.  These events were surprising and left the field open for a solid win in a 4-1 vote.

As the Sole Survivor of the night, we congratulate Lauren Hughes and expect great things from her time in office.  Only time will tell if this was a good thing or not for Lauren, but the city is getting a great councilor nonetheless.

But don't go just yet!  There are upcoming events that will need your full attention and participation.  So put on your reading glasses and get cracking on the Comp Plan Part 1 (see upcoming post on the Comp Plan hearing) and be ready to testify at the City Council Public Hearing on the doc.  Your city needs you.

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