Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to Comment

Click on the small "No Comment" or ("# Comments") link in the bar under the post.  A new page will open with a box for you to add your comments.  If you want to see other's comments, click on the same "Comment" link.

Since I am still new at this and the program is still fighting me, I hope to have a better way to handle comments in the near future.  I prefer having the comments posted on the same page as the original post, but I may have to change to another program to do that. If anyone has experience with blogs, let me know what might work.   

Please add a screen name.  You do not need to use your real name, but please be consistent about using the same name with all your posts.

Rules on comments are to use common sense.  If you don't know what that is, you might find your comments deleted.  I could give you a list of rules, but thinking adults shouldn't need them.

One last thing - I like hearing what others have to offer on a subject.  I already know what I think, so if you have something to add to the discussion, please do so.

If you are making a statement, make sure it is factual and that you can back it up.
Well reasoned opinions are welcome too.
If you have ideas or information to pass on, please email me at:


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